# Application

# Variables

There are a few preset application variables.

  • app.name the name of the service taken the proto definition
  • app.env the environment taken from process.env.NODE_ENV or set to default development
  • app.silent Whether to supress error logging to console.error in the onerror handler. Default is false, that is errors will be logged to stderr.

You can modify or add additional variables to have available globally. For example:

// set config settings within the application
app.config = fs.readFileSync(CONFIG_FILE)

Although a more appropriate place may be the application's context. See below.

# Create

Similar to grpc.Server, Mali application can be created dynamically either by loading a .proto definition file, or by loading the static protoc generated Node.js code.

# Dynamic

When dynamically creating an application from static .proto file include the path to the proto file.

const path = require('path')
const Mali = require('mali')

const PROTO_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, '../protos/helloworld.proto')
const app = new Mali(PROTO_PATH)

To just use one of the services defined in the proto file state name (or an array of names) of the service within the definition in the second parameter.

const path = require('path')
const Mali = require('mali')

const PROTO_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, '../protos/helloworld.proto')
const app = new Mali(PROTO_PATH, 'Greeter')

# Static

Similarly we can use statically generated Node.js code

const services = require('./static/helloworld_grpc_pb')
const app = new Mali(services)

To use only specific services from the definition we need the implementation and the name of the service constrcutor(s).

const services = require('./static/helloworld_grpc_pb')
const app = new Mali(services, 'GreeterService')

# Middleware

app.use(service, name, ...fns) is used to add the given middleware or handler function to the application.

If service and name are given, it applies fns for that call under that service.

app.use('Greeter', 'sayHello', handler)

We can also use a full package name.

app.use('helloworld.v1.Greeter', 'sayHello', handler)

If service name is provided and matches one of the services defined in proto, but no name is provided it applies the fns as service level middleware for all handlers in that service.

app.use('Greeter', mwForGreeter)

If service is provided and no name is provided, and service does not match any of the service names in the proto, assumes service is actually rpc call name, and we try to find the matching service with that method name.

app.use('sayHello', handler)

If an object is provided, you can set middleware and handlers for all services

app.use(mw1) // global for all services
app.use('Service1', mw2) // applies to all Service1 handers
  Service1: {
    sayGoodbye: handler1, // has mw1, mw2
    sayHello: [ mw3, handler2 ] // has mw1, mw2, mw3
  'helloworld.Service2': {
    saySomething: handler3 // only has mw1
  sayGoodbye: handler1, 
  sayHello: [ mw3, handler2 ] 

See Middleware (opens new window) for more information.

# Start

Application can be started using the start method and passing the port. The method returns a grpc.Server instance. It's just sugar for creating the native gRPC Server; calling grpc.Server.addService(), hooking up the composed middleware, binding the port and starting the native server.

All middleware and handlers have to be set up prior to calling start.

const path = require('path')
const Mali = require('mali')

const PROTO_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, '../protos/helloworld.proto')

async function sayHello (ctx) {
  ctx.res = { message: 'Hello '.concat(ctx.req.name) }

function main () {
  const app = new Mali(PROTO_PATH)
  app.use({ sayHello })

The same application representation can be started on multiple ports if desired.

const app = new Mali(PROTO_PATH)
app.use({ sayHello })
const server1 = app.start('')
const server2 = app.start('')

We can pass server credential options (opens new window) to start to be passed along to native gRPC Server's bind (opens new window) method.

A server can be started on OS-assigned dynamic port by ommiting the hostname parameter completely or by setting the "port" part of the hostname to 0. All following examples will start a service on an OS-assigned port.


The application ports can be be retreived using the ports property:

console.log(app.ports) // [ 50051 ]

# Close

To shutdown all started servers just call app.close() method. The method returns a promise fulfilled when all started servers are shutdown.

const app = new Mali(PROTO_PATH)
app.use({ sayHello })
const server = app.start('')
app.close().then(() => console.log('server(s) shut down.'))

# Context

All middleware and handlers are passed a context. This is the recommended namespace to extend with information that's useful throughout the lifetime of your application, as opposed to a per request basis.

app.context.db = db()